Xanax Colors & Shapes – Learn How To Identify & Get Help (2024)

Xanax Colors & Shapes

Do you suspect that a loved one is addicted to pharmaceuticals? Maybe you've noticed changes in their appearance or behavior, or you've found pills that belong to them. One of the most common medications that people with addiction problems take is Xanax, which contains alprazolam and is prescribed for those with anxiety and panic disorders.

In this article, we'll show you how to identify Xanax pills. If you confirm that you've found Xanax, reach out to Wellbrook Recovery to discuss how you can get help for your loved one.

Xanax Colors & Shapes – Learn How To Identify & Get Help (1)

Xanax Pill Colors: A Closer Look

Xanax pills come in a range of different colors and shapes, and it's important to know what you're taking. The color of a Xanax pill can indicate its strength and sometimes its manufacturer. Here are some common colors and what they typically mean:

  • White: 0.25mg to 2mg
  • Green: 2mg
  • Blue: 1mg
  • Peach: 0.5mg
  • Yellow: 2mg (usually extended-release)

Unfortunately, some Xanax that people buy on the street are fake Xanax, which are either illicitly manufactured Xanax with an unknown quantity of alprazolam, or they may even contain a drug other than alprazolam. It's important to note that even if the pill you find matches the description of those above, it may not be a real Xanax pill.

Different Colors of Xanax Pills

Understanding the different colors and types of Xanax pills can help you distinguish between safe and dangerous pills. Legitimate Xanax pills are typically associated with specific ranges of Alprazolam dosages. Let's take a closer look at some of the various colors of Xanax that you may encounter.

Xanax Colors & Shapes – Learn How To Identify & Get Help (2)

White Xanax

White Xanax pills are oval with a small imprint of "XANAX 0.25" on one side, with a vertical line on the other side. These pills are the lowest dose of Xanax available, and are often prescribed to treat anxiety.

Orange Xanax

Orange Xanax pills are oval with a small imprint of "XANAX 0.5" on one side, with a vertical line on the other side. These pills contain a slightly higher dose of alprazolam than the white Xanax pills.

Peach Xanax

There are no peach Xanax pills, however there are a number of different generic alprazolam formulations. An oval alprazolam with GG257 on one side and a vertical line on the other side, an oval alprazolam with G3720 on one side and a vertical line on the other side, a circular alprazolam with MYLAN A3 on one side and a horizontal line on the other side, and a round alprazolam with 029 and a horizontal line on one side and a fish on the other side. It's important to note that these pills may have different dosages than Xanax, and should only be taken under the guidance of a medical professional.

Xanax Colors & Shapes – Learn How To Identify & Get Help (3)

Blue Xanax

Blue Xanax is oval and has an imprint of "XANAX 1.0" on one side, and a vertical line on the other. These pills contain the highest dose of alprazolam available.

Purple Xanax

There are no purple Xanax pills, but there is a generic alprazolam. It is circular, and has an M imprint on one side, and A23 on the reverse side. As with other generic alprazolam formulations, the dosage may vary.

Green Xanax

Green Xanax pills are rectangular-shaped with an imprint of "X" on one side, and the number "3" on the other side. These pills contain a moderate dose of alprazolam.

Yellow Xanax

Yellow Xanax pills are square shaped with an imprint of "X" on one side, and the number "1" on the other. These pills contain a low dose of alprazolam.

Pink Xanax

There are no pink Xanax pills, but there are generic alprazolam, which are round with an imprint of "M" on one side, and A24 on the other. As with other generic alprazolam formulations, the dosage may vary.

Xanax should only be taken under the guidance of a medical professional, and that taking counterfeit or improperly dosed Xanax can be extremely dangerous. If you suspect that you or someone you know has taken a counterfeit Xanax pill, seek medical attention immediately.

How to Identify Authentic Xanax Pills: A Guide to Pill Shapes

Xanax pills come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but knowing what to look for can help you identify whether a pill is authentic or fake. Illicitly manufactured Xanax pills may contain unknown quantities of alprazolam or even other drugs, so it's important to exercise caution when purchasing Xanax.

Here are some common shapes of authentic Xanax pills:

  • Rectangle: 1mg and 2mg
  • Oval: 0.5mg
  • Round: 0.25mg to 2mg

It's important to note that the shape of a pill alone cannot guarantee authenticity. It's possible for counterfeiters to replicate the shape and color of authentic Xanax pills, so it's important to purchase medication from a reputable source and consult with a doctor before taking any medication.

The Dangers of Fake Xanax

Fake Xanax is a serious problem in the United States. These drugs can contain substances like fentanyl, which can have dangerous side effects on individuals and even be fatal if taken in large doses. In addition to these dangers, fake Xanax has been linked to an increase in violence and drug-related crimes due to its illegal sale and distribution.

Taking this counterfeit medicine can cause long-term damage to the liver or other organs, depending on what substances are in the drug. Fake Xanax has also been linked to an increase in overdoses.

Fake Xanax is sold under various names, including Red Devil Xanax. If you suspect that a loved one has been taking any fake Xanax, it's important to speak with them or seek professional help. Fake Xanax containing fentanyl can and does kill, often without warning.

What Is Liquid Xanax?

Liquid Xanax, or alprazolam Intensol, is a medication used to treat anxiety and panic disorders in adults and children over 12. If someone you love is using it, you may find a bottle labeled "Intensol" around the house. However, users sometimes mix Xanax into other liquids, which can be extremely dangerous because the person drinking it may not know how much Xanax they're consuming.

Furthermore, Xanax users often become forgetful and may not remember how much they put in a liquid. This can lead to unintentional overdose and serious health risks. It's important to be aware of the risks associated with liquid Xanax use and to seek professional help if you or a loved one is struggling with addiction.

Farmapram: Xanax's Mexican Cousin

Farmapram is a benzodiazepine medication that's often referred to as the Mexican Xanax. It contains alprazolam and is used to treat anxiety, panic disorders, and other conditions. The alprazolam in Farmapram acts on receptors in the brain called GABA receptors, producing a calming effect for those who take it.

However, regular use of Farmapram (or any Xanax) can lead to physical dependence. This means that users may experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop taking it too quickly. Withdrawal from Farmapram can cause insomnia, irritability, confusion, and even seizures in extreme cases. Overdosing on Farmapram can lead to severe side effects, such as drowsiness, slowed breathing, and coma. It's also important to note that taking Farmapram with other drugs or alcohol can increase the risk of serious side effects.

Patients should only take Farmapram, or any other type of Xanax, under the supervision of a medical professional.

It's worth noting that Farmapram is one of the most commonly faked Xanax preparations. Drug enforcement agencies have seized fake Farmapram that contains fentanyl or a range of different benzodiazepines, or even a combination of different depressant drugs.

Read about: Alcohol Withdrawal: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Effects of Xanax

Xanax is a powerful medication that affects the brain and body in various ways. It belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines, which are central nervous system (CNS) depressants.

How Xanax works

Xanax works by increasing the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that slows down brain activity and produces feelings of relaxation.

Potential side effects

While Xanax can be effective in treating anxiety and panic disorders, it also has potential side effects. Common side effects include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Dry mouth
  • Constipation

More serious side effects can occur with long-term use or misuse of Xanax, such as:

  • Memory problems
  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Suicidal thoughts

Psychological effects

In addition to its physical effects, Xanax can also have psychological effects. Some people report feeling euphoric or "high" after taking Xanax due to its calming effect on the brain. However, this feeling is often short-lived and can lead to dependence or addiction if not used properly.

Important considerations

It's important to note that Xanax should only be taken under the guidance of a medical professional and according to prescribed dosage instructions. Misusing or abusing Xanax can lead to serious health consequences.

The Dangers of Taking Xanax Without a Prescription

Xanax Colors & Shapes – Learn How To Identify & Get Help (4)

Xanax is a potent medication that should only be taken under the guidance of a medical professional. Taking Xanax without a prescription can lead to serious health consequences, including addiction, overdose, and death.


One of the most significant dangers of taking Xanax without a prescription is the risk of addiction. Xanax is highly addictive and can quickly lead to physical dependence. This means that users may experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop taking it too quickly. Withdrawal from Xanax can cause insomnia, irritability, confusion, and even seizures in extreme cases.


Another danger of taking Xanax without a prescription is the risk of overdose. When used improperly or in high doses, Xanax can slow down breathing and heart rate to dangerous levels. This can lead to unconsciousness, coma, and even death.

Counterfeit Pills

In addition to these risks, taking counterfeit or improperly dosed Xanax can also be extremely dangerous. Illicitly manufactured Xanax pills may contain unknown quantities of alprazolam or even other drugs like fentanyl, which can have dangerous side effects on individuals and even be fatal if taken in large doses.

It's important to seek professional help if you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety or panic disorders. A medical professional can help determine whether medication like Xanax is necessary and prescribe it at safe dosages for maximum effectiveness while minimizing potential risks.

Signs of Xanax Addiction in a Loved One

Xanax is a highly addictive medication, and it's important to be aware of the signs of addiction in loved ones who may be struggling with substance abuse. Here are some common signs to look out for:

Increased Tolerance

A person who takes Xanax regularly may need higher doses to achieve the same effects over time.

Withdrawal Symptoms

If a person stops taking Xanax suddenly, they may experience withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, or seizures.

Changes in Behavior or Mood

People who struggle with Xanax addiction may exhibit changes in behavior or mood, such as increased irritability or aggression.

Neglecting Responsibilities

Addiction can cause people to neglect their responsibilities at work, school, or home.

Social Isolation

People with addiction may withdraw from social activities and relationships.

Continued Use Despite Negative Consequences

Despite experiencing negative consequences such as legal problems or relationship issues, people with addiction may continue to use Xanax.

If you suspect that a loved one is struggling with Xanax addiction, it's important to seek professional help. Addiction is a treatable condition, and early intervention can increase the chances of successful recovery.


Xanax is a powerful medication that is used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. The drug works by increasing the activity of GABA, a neurotransmitter that slows down brain activity and produces feelings of relaxation. However, taking Xanax without a prescription can lead to serious health consequences, including addiction, overdose, and death. This is particularly dangerous given the prevalence of counterfeit Xanax pills on the market, which can contain unknown quantities of alprazolam or even other drugs like fentanyl.

Furthermore, long-term use or misuse of Xanax can lead to physical and psychological side effects such as memory problems, confusion, depression, difficulty breathing, suicidal thoughts, euphoria or "highs", dependence or addiction.

It's important for individuals who are prescribed Xanax to take it only under the guidance of a medical professional and according to prescribed dosage instructions. Anyone who suspects they may have taken counterfeit Xanax pills should seek medical attention immediately. Loved ones should also be vigilant for signs of addiction in those using Xanax regularly.

Get Help With An Inpatient Xanax Addiction Treatment Center

Treatment for Xanax abuse is available at the Wellbrook Recovery drug rehab center. Our facility provide comprehensive care and support to help people struggling with an addiction to this sedative drug. At our Xanax treatment center, clients will work with experienced professionals who understand the unique needs of each individual and focus on finding a path towards lasting recovery.

If you are stuck on Xanax and don’t know how to stop, contact Wellbrook Recovery. We can help.


Xanax Colors & Shapes – Learn How To Identify & Get Help (2024)


What Colour is the strongest Xanax? ›

Green Xanax bars contain 3mg of alprazolam, making them more potent than the 2mg white or purple pills. This is often prescribed for those with a tolerance to the standard dose.

What is the shape of a Xanax pill? ›

Xanax most often looks like a light blue oval-shaped pill or can look like a small rectangle pill with indents like a ladder has steps; a few common slang names for these are “ladders' or “bars”.

What is the identifier for Xanax? ›

The most common way to spot a fake Xanax is by looking at the markings on the pill. Authentic Xanax should have a diamond-cut design with no other markings or numbers around it. The imprint of “XANAX” should be stamped in the center of the diamond without any protruding lines from the edges.

What is the most common side effect of Xanax? ›

Thus, effects can be experienced within 30 minutes and can last up to roughly 6 hours. The most common adverse effects of alprazolam include impaired coordination, low blood pressure, difficulty speaking, and increased libido. Additional adverse effects of Xanax include: Decreased mental alertness.

What color are extended release Xanax? ›

XANAX XR extended-release tablets are available as: 0.5 mg: white, pentagonal shaped tablets debossed with an "X" on one side and "0.5" on the other side. 1 mg: yellow, square shaped tablets debossed with an "X" on one side and "1" on the other side.

What is Xanax equal to? ›

Benzodiazepine equivalency tables state that 0.5mg of alprazolam (Xanax) is approximately equivalent to 1mg lorazepam (Ativan).

What is a peach shaped oval Xanax? ›

Peach or orange Xanax mg is a lower dose of the medication and typically comes in oval or football shapes. Pfizer manufactures these elliptical/oval pills in orange and 0.5 mg strength. This form is commonly prescribed for milder conditions and is available in doses from 0.5 mg to 2 mg.

What does 1mg Xanax look like? ›

Blue Oval – 1mg. Four-sided Yellow – 1mg. Oval Orange – 0.5mg. Round Peach – 0.5mg.

What is the little white oval Xanax? ›

Alprazolam tablets are available as: 0.25 mg: white, oval, scored, imprinted "G3719" 0.5 mg: peach, oval, scored, imprinted "G3720" 1 mg: blue, oval, scored, imprinted "G3721"

What's the closest medication to Xanax? ›

Other benzodiazepines
  • Klonopin (clonazepam)
  • Ativan (lorazepam)
  • Valium (diazepam)
Apr 30, 2024

What is the number 2 on Xanax? ›

Pill with imprint X ANA X 2 is White, Rectangle and has been identified as Xanax 2 mg. It is supplied by Pfizer U.S. Pharmaceuticals Group. Xanax is used in the treatment of Anxiety; Panic Disorder and belongs to the drug class benzodiazepines. There is positive evidence of human fetal risk during pregnancy.

Does Xanax help with overthinking? ›

Xanax can be effective in reducing excessive worry and anxious thoughts, but it's important to remember that it's not a permanent solution for overthinking. However, because Xanax has the potential for dependence and withdrawal, it is typically prescribed for short-term use.

What not to do while taking Xanax? ›

Avoid operating machinery, driving, or performing tasks that require mental alertness while taking Xanax. Avoid alcohol while taking this medicine. The lowest effective dose of Xanax should be used for the shortest time possible.

What pain reliever can I take with Xanax? ›

Can I take a pain reliever such as Tylenol during Xanax treatment? Yes, it's typically safe to take a mild pain reliever, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), while you're taking Xanax. However, not all pain relievers are safe to take with Xanax.

Can an elderly person take Xanax? ›

Why Older People Shouldn't Take Xanax or Other Benzodiazepines for Insomnia. Benzodiazepines such as Xanax can be prescribed as sleeping aids. Use of benzodiazepines in older adults is associated with increased risks of car accidents, falls and fractures, hospitalization and death.

What strength is a white oval Xanax? ›

Alprazolam tablets are available as: 0.25 mg: white, oval, scored, imprinted "G3719" 0.5 mg: peach, oval, scored, imprinted "G3720" 1 mg: blue, oval, scored, imprinted "G3721"

What is a pink oval Xanax pill? ›

Pink Xanax Bar

This form of alprazolam is a high-dose, 3 mg option. The pills are round or oval, pink in color, and have a shape similar to a football. However, this pink oval pill Xanax, is not commonly produced and can be legally obtained only through a prescription from a doctor.

What is the imprint on a blue Xanax bar? ›

A blue-colored Xanax tablet with "XANAX 1.0" inscribed on it can either be oblong-shaped or elliptical and is a 1mg dose of Xanax. Like many pills, blue Xanax often appears with a number stamp on it. In the case of blue Xanax, it often looks like a blue pill shaped like a bar with "B707" stamped on it.


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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