Scott Edward Mathews, Jr. (2024)

On May 12, 2022 the Lord decided that Scott had suffered enough from his alcohol addiction and took him home to be pain free and in peace. He left peacefully surrounded by family and friends. He will be greatly missed by so many.

Scott was born on April 7, 1988 to Scott and Susan (Lynch) Mathews. He was the youngest of three children. Scott was a loving, kind and funny young man. In 2003, he met Rebecca Steen and together they had a beautiful daughter, Hailie in 2005. They married in April 2014. His daughter was his greatest treasure. He cherished her and loved her more than anything. He loved and adored his family. He will be missed by his furry companion, Remi also.

Scott was very witty and his family loved his stories, jokes and poems. His favorite phrase was “Right Right”. When he was young he always had to be home to watch his favorite show “I Love Lucy”. He never forgot a name if he met you and would help anyone in need if possible. He loved the outdoors, NY Giants, Fantasy Football, bowling, golfing, hunting and listening to music. One of his favorite things to do was bird hunt with his dad. Many stories came from this and he told everyone that he was a better shot than his Dad. He loved his nieces and nephews and they called him “Uncle Dot” which stuck to this day.

Scott attended Williston and Trenton Schools. He moved his family to San Antonio, TX where he was a site manager for RailServe. They eventually moved back to Williston.

Scott is survived by his wife, Rebecca; daughter, Hailie; parents, Scott and Susan; sister, Dolly Ramsey and her three children, Jaydis, MaLeah and TyLeigh; sister, Natasha Mathews and her children, Kaysha (Ethan) McKenzie, Kaden McKenzie and Landen Henry; grandmother, Dorothy Lynch and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins.

He is preceded in death by niece, Jada Ramsey; grandparents, Floyd Lynch, Alice Labonite and Richard Mathews; uncle, Ronald Lynch and father-in-law, David Steen.

In closing, our prayers go out to any family or person that struggles with addiction. Addiction is a very hard disease to understand and almost impossible to get help from medical personnel before it is too late.

Thank You

We would like to thank the Sidney MT Life Flight Crew for their help, understanding and compassion for Scott. Also thank you to the Minot Trinity ER Staff and ICU staff for all their help, understanding, and compassion for Scott. Addiction is a disease and people need to understand that the addict is still human and should be treated and cared for as so. Their life is just as meaningful as any other. Thank you also to Fulkerson Stevenson Funeral Home with assisting our families at this difficult time.

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Peggy Slough (Williston, ND)
May 13, 2022

Becca and families
You are in my thoughts and prayers

Josh Bartholomew (Dickinson , ND)
May 13, 2022

To all the Mathews family and friends. I am so sorry for your loss. You will all be in my thoughts.

Kim Burkle
May 14, 2022

I worked with Scott and Becca when they purchased their home. They were an absolute pleasure to work with and their excitement was infectious. My heart just aches for his family. You are in my prayers.

Marla Knutson (Williston, ND)
May 14, 2022

Sorry for your loss. Keep your memories close. My thoughts and prayers are with each of you.

Ida Grotte (Rapid City, SD)
May 15, 2022

Sue and Scott, and family I know at this time there are know words that can express the way we feel or you all feel! I wish you all can get some comfort from knowing that GOD IS STANDING beside you and comfort from the strength of our family! Love you all, your CUZ IDA

Donna Overby (Williston, North Dakota)
May 15, 2022

Sue and Scott,
Brent and I were so sorry to hear of Scotty’s passing, we will hold you in our prayers.

Charla Lynch (Kasson , MINNESOTA)
May 16, 2022

Sue and family,
I’m so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

David Arnson (Williston, ND)
May 16, 2022

To the Matthew’s Family, sorry for your loss. Thought and prayers with all at this difficult time.

Eugene and Carolyn Lynch (Mandan, , ND)
May 16, 2022

Susie, Scott and family of Scott Jr. so sorry for your loss. Keeping you all in our prayers during this difficult time and in the days ahead. Treasure your memories.

Linda Panasuk
May 16, 2022

I did not personally know Scott but am a friend of Renae's. I too know of the terrible hardship addiction and the devastation it places on every one who loves the addicted soul. My son struggles as Scott did and help is not readily available for these people. Never look down on them. They too struggle and know and hate the trouble their actions cause. So sad time has run out for Scott. Never give up and always remember where their is life there is hope. God bless to all his family and I pray that someday someone will find a cure for this disease

Rhonda Larsen Gilbert (Williston , ND)
May 16, 2022

So very sorry to hear of your loss. I haven't seen you Scott for years... read this and my heart goes out to you and your family. May God bless you all.

Kim Johnston
May 16, 2022

Scott and Susie , I am so sorry, my heart aches for you and your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers …. Love Kim

Mike and Polly Vinger (Williston , ND)
May 16, 2022

Scott, Susie and family we are so sorry to hear about your loss, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Lynnette Weltikol (Williston, ND)
May 16, 2022

Sue, Scott and family, my thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time.

Alicia & Kevin Cole (ND)
May 16, 2022

Sue, Scott and all of Scott's family.... We Pray you all are able to find comfort with memories in this time of suffering. Our Sincere Condolences to each & all of you.

Vera Weiler and family (Dickinson, ND)
May 17, 2022

Thought and prayers to all the Mathew family. Addiction is the toughest of all medical condition for a family to deal with and family member are lost in how to help the person heal. I’ve lived with this on a daily basis and no matter how hard you try to help, at the end of the day you feel drained as the resources out there are hard to find. I hope God can help you heal and realize you’ve done the best you could in trying to help. Hugs to each and all of you.

Kim Johnston
May 17, 2022

Scott and Susie , I am so sorry, my heart aches for you and your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers …. Love Kim

Brandon Preyer (San Antonio, Texas)
May 18, 2022

We are so sorry to have heard this news. Our two families spent so much time together while they we're living here in San Antonio. I met Scott through work and we became really close. I stood in their wedding in Austin, Texas and met all his wonderful family members.

This hurts so much to hear about...Scott was a great husband, father, and friend. He was also one of the hardest working guys I've ever known. He was super competitive, which is one of the qualities we shared...we would have so much fun hanging out...Fishing, playing poker and darts, playing Madden football and fantasy football...he was great at all of those things and more...I wish I could have gone bird hunting with him just once. North Dakota brother. We're all missing you. I love you brother.

We have Scott, Becca, Hailey, and the rest of the family in our hearts and prayers.

Scott & Susan Mathews (Williston , ND)
May 18, 2022

We want to thank everyone for their kind words during this hard time.
All of your support helps us heal.
Scott Sr & Sue

Charles and Bev Lynch (Williston , ND)
May 19, 2022

We are sorry to hear about the loss of your son. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Brandi, Tay, Jaiden, Bryzick (Elroy, Wisconsin )
May 19, 2022

Becca - thoughts and prayers go out to you and the family

Dan Hagopian (Williston, North Dakota)
May 19, 2022

Deepest condolences for your loss. We appreciate and love your family. May God be with you, and bring His comfort.

Brandi, Tay, Jaiden, Bryzick (Elroy, Wisconsin )
May 19, 2022

Becca - thoughts and prayers go out to you and the family

Scott Edward Mathews, Jr. (2024)


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