Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (2024)

Are you expecting? If so, do you plan to find out the baby’s gender before its official arrival into the world? There are so many fun gender reveal ideas that make finding out early just as exciting as finding out when they are actually born.

My husband and I didn’t find out with our first child, but now with baby #2 on the way, we are going to find out the gender beforehand this time! For me, I would like to have time to prepare — set up the nursery, get the appropriate clothes ready — because things will be a lot busier this time around with a toddler and a newborn to take care of. If you are one of those parents-to-be who wants to be prepared too, here are some fun gender reveal ideas that you may like to use to share the news with your friends and family!

20. Ribbon Release

Here is a cute idea for you to reveal the baby’s gender to your friends and family. Tie a pink and a blue ribbon around mommy’s baby bump. Have the significant other stand behind mommy and cut either the blue or the pink ribbon, allowing the remaining ribbon tied around mommy’s belly to reveal the gender!

This is a super easy and inexpensive gender reveal idea, that would also make for a really cute photo opt!

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (1)VGstockstudio / Shutterstock

19. Scratch to Reveal

Here is a creative way to share whether it’s a boy or it’s a girl! Hand out these scratch cards to all of your gender reveal party guests. Do a count down and have everyone scratch their card to reveal the baby’s gender.

These scratch cards would also make for a really nice keepsake!

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (2)LightField Studios / Shutterstock

18. Present Opening Reveal

Another sweet idea is to gift wrap a box to open it in front of your guests containing either a pair of blue baby shoes or pink baby shoes. The shoes will also make a nice keepsake for your little one — as their very first pair of shoes!

Be sure to take pictures too! It would make for a really cute photo card to send to those who weren’t able to attend the party.

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (3)Diana Herashchenko / Shutterstock

17. Painted Hand Prints

All you will need for this is some blue (or pink) paint and a white shirt. This is something that can be done in advance (and concealed beneath another layer of clothing) or done right in front of your gender reveal party guests. Have your significant other –or if you have a child already, have them place their hands in the appropriate colored paint and then firmly place their hands onto the white shirt-covered baby bump, leaving either pink or blue hand prints behind.

This would make a really cute keepsake too, otherwise remember to use a washable paint!

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (4)Gayne Dorio / Shutterstock

16. Balloon Box Launch

This is a fairly inexpensive DIY option. Find a big box and decorate the outside — wrapping paper is a great option. If you plan to find out before hand (and this is just going to be a surprise for your family and friends, you can purchase the appropriate colored balloons to fill the box yourself. Or, if you are wanting to be surprised too, have the ultrasound results written down and sealed in an envelope.

Bring the envelope to your local party supplies store and ask that they fill the box with the appropriate colored balloons and then seal the box for when you are ready to open it at the party. This way you can be surprised along side your guests! You and your significant other can open the box together, or if you have any kiddos already, let them open the box to reveal the gender of their sibling-to-be!Not expensive and super fun.

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (5)Mccallk69 / Shutterstock

15. Confetti Cannons

Three….two….one! POP! A little bit more messy, Confetti Cannons filled with either blue or pink confetti are another super fun gender reveal idea.

Either mom or dad can let off the cannons, or you could let all of the party guests get involved and have everyone simultaneously spray the cannons in the air! This is a super fun, and exciting way to share the news!

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (6)Igisheva Maria / Shutterstock

14. Colored Dessert Filling Surprise

There isn’t a much sweeter idea than having your favorite baker fill a delicious cake with either blue or pink icing. Another fun idea is to put blue or pink candies in the middle, so when you cut into the cake the colored candies spill out onto the plate!

Cupcakes or cake pops are some alternative ideas, that are equally delicious and cute options. This way all the guests can have their own treat to bite into to reveal the gender!

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (7)Africa Studio / Shutterstock

13. Confetti-filled Balloons

Another gender reveal ideas that is a popular idea is getting giant black balloons filled with either pink or blue confetti inside. Grab a pin and pop the balloon — and spray the colored confetti into the air.

You may even want to grab a couple balloons for mom and dad to each pop one at the same time for even more confetti fun!

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (8)aprilante / Shutterstock

12. Dart Board Balloon Pop (Filled with Paint)

Set up a board with many black balloons filled with white paint and have one or two balloons filled with either pink or blue paint. Take turns throwing darts until you pop one of the colored paint balloons, revealing the gender.

This is a fun way to build up the anticipation of the gender reveal!

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (9)Morozova Olga / Shutterstock

11. Don’t Say It! Spray It! (with Silly String)

Buy cans of either blue or pink silly string. Cover the outside of the spray can (so that guests can’t tell what color the silly string is). Mom and Dad can spray each other, or again, you can get all the guests involved too by giving them their own can to spray!

This is a messy but super fun gender reveal idea, that isn’t too expensive either.

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (10)Michael P. D’Arco / Shutterstock

10. Sports Ball Color-Filled Bombs

Are you (or your significant other) a big baseball fan? If so, this is a really cute way to share the gender of your baby to be! Batters up! Toss a ball filled with blue or pink powder at mom or dad. When it connects with the bat, the powder will explode on site!

I think this is such a cute, and fun way to reveal the gender. Or, maybe you or your significant other are big fans of golf — there are also golf ball bombs available on Amazon that have the same effect when you connect with the ball!

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (11)oliveromg / Shutterstock

9. Fortune Cookie(s)

Here is another tasty and creative way to share the gender of your little one. Buy a bunch of fortune cookies and fill with tiny slips of paper sharing if “It’s a Girl!” or “It’s a Boy!”.

You could also personalize the cookies. Have cookies for grandma and grandpa — that have a message “It’s a Granddaughter” or “It’s a Grandson”. Or, for aunts and Uncles-to-be — have a message “It’s a Niece” or “It’s a Nephew”. Super cute!

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (12)beats1 / Shutterstock

8. Piñata

Adults or little ones can take a swing at a piñata filled with either colorful confetti or candy. But another more anticipation building idea would be to fill the piñata with any of your favorite candy treats, but also have a little box inside that contains a note with the gender of the baby!

This way, whoever knocks the box out, can do the official reveal! Have fun swinging!

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (13)New Africa / Shutterstock

7. Paint Filled Water Gun

Ready to get messy? Try filling water guns with a 1/2 water 1/2 paint solution to share the gender. Have the parents-to-be wearing a white shirt and either squirt each other, or have your friends and family squirt you with either blue or pink paint-filled water guns.

Make sure to buy as washable paint so that it all comes out in the wash!

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (14)Sichon / Shutterstock

6. He or She…Come In and See

This is a super fun idea, for parents who are super on the ball. Decorate the nursery for your little boy or girl, and invite your family and friends to come in and see the baby’s gender.

This might be a good option for a 2nd child (or greater) — that way you will have all of the essential (like the crib) on hand and ready to go. This is such a fun creative way to share the baby’s gender, not to mention useful as it will be ready to enjoy when they arrive!

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (15)Raquel Biempica / Getty Images

5. Balloon Release

Have the parents holding a single balloon or bunch of balloons in each color. On the count of three, have one parent release their balloon(s) leaving one parent holding the color of balloons to reveal the gender!

Balloons are always a popular, inexpensive option — this idea is a bit different and fun!

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (16)cream_ph / Getty Images

4. Multi Gift Bag/Box Gender Reveal

If you have multiple children already, this is a fun way to get all the kids involved. Each child can get their own gift box or bag for them to open in unison. Inside each bag you can put pink or blue balloons!

This is a wonderful way to share the experience — mom and dad can even have their own boxes to open too, to get in on the fun!

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (17)Kenishirotie / Shutterstock

3. Smoke Grenade

Now, this gender reveal idea is very dramatic and fun. Buy a smoke bomb filled with either blue or pink — when the bomb goes off, it will spray out a big cloud of smoke (that usually lasts for a good amount of time). This will make a really cool photo opt, too!

This option is a bit more on the expensive side, but it is really worth the show!

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (18)Jacob Lund / Shutterstock

2. Blow Up a Balloon

Have the parents-to-be each holding a balloon — one holding a pink balloon — the other holding a blue balloon. Pierce a tiny inconspicuous hole into the balloon of the wrong gender. At the same time, have each parent blow up the balloon they are holding. The balloon that fills up properly will reveal the gender of the baby.

This is easily the easiest and least expensive option, and is still as super fun way to reveal the baby’s gender to your family and friends.

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (19)Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock

1. Volcano

Any science nerds in your family? This old volcano experiment using vinegar and baking soda might be something you remember doing in your childhood. Place baking soda and the appropriate colored food coloring inside your ‘volcano’. Then, when you are ready to do the reveal, pour white vinegar into the volcano and watch for blue or pink colored lava to start flowing!

This is another fun way to get kiddos involved. Super cute! Make sure to put a cookie sheet underneath or something that can contain the spill over mess!

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (20)Santhosh Varghese / Shutterstock

Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl (2024)


Baby Gender Reveal Ideas: Unique and Fun Ways to Announce Boy or Girl? ›

Ask the baker to color the inside of the cake to correspond with the baby's sex—blue for boy, pink for girl—and cover it with frosting in a neutral color. This simple gender reveal idea works well for any setting. If you're at a party, cut the cake in front of your family and friends.

How do you announce a baby boy gender reveal? ›

Ask the baker to color the inside of the cake to correspond with the baby's sex—blue for boy, pink for girl—and cover it with frosting in a neutral color. This simple gender reveal idea works well for any setting. If you're at a party, cut the cake in front of your family and friends.

How to announce gender without a gender reveal party? ›

Whether you're looking for something a little more simple or just plain different, here are ten alternatives to hosting a gender reveal party.
  1. Create a Lasting Memory for Your Little One. ...
  2. Alphabet Party. ...
  3. Name Reveal. ...
  4. Host a Book Club. ...
  5. Out of This World Party. ...
  6. Family Dinner. ...
  7. Battle of the Fandoms. ...
  8. Game Night.
Apr 5, 2022

How many months should you be to have a gender reveal party? ›

When to do a gender reveal? Timing is everything! The perfect moment for a gender reveal party is during the second trimester, 18-20 weeks after the mid-pregnancy ultrasound. This is when you can start exploring various baby gender reveal party ideas to make the event memorable.

Who usually comes to a gender reveal? ›

Many times, the gender reveal is a chance for friends of both genders to join in, since the party leans to a more creative, inclusive approach. Now is the time to include brothers, uncles, male family friends and let them celebrate the new bundle too, so don't leave them off!

How do you throw a good gender reveal? ›

Gender Reveal Ideas
  1. Cake Cutting: This is a great way to reveal the gender and serve everyone dessert at the same time. ...
  2. Confetti Bombs: These are a fun and photogenic way to reveal the gender of your baby. ...
  3. Balloon Pop: Like the confetti bombs, the balloon pop is a fun (and loud) way to reveal the gender of your baby.
Dec 11, 2023

How to predict a boy or girl? ›

Accurate methods to find out the sex of your baby include prenatal testing (like NIPT and amniocentesis), along with a second trimester ultrasound. While home games like the ring test and prediction charts are a fun way to guess your baby's sex, they're not reliable. Medical methods are far more accurate.

Who usually throws a gender reveal party? ›

Who typically hosts the party? Typically, the expecting couple hosts the gender reveal party. We know — that's one more thing on your plate as you prepare for the new baby. But the good news is that, compared to the baby shower, it's typically a less formal affair.

Who is supposed to host a gender reveal party? ›

Either the parents or a close friend or family member should host. If the parents already know the gender, they should host the party to reveal to their family and friends. However, if the parents don't know the gender, someone else should host. If the parents want to be surprised, someone else should know the secret.

Do people play games at gender reveals? ›

Traditional gender reveal party games are always fun; consider a suite of cards or printables to make the day extra interactive for your guests. This list of old wives' tales to predict Baby's gender are a great way to get the crowd in on the action at the gender reveal party.

How to make a gender reveal special? ›

Unique Gender Reveal Ideas
  1. Halloween-themed gender reveal. Jolly Rae Gender Reveal Pumpkin Surprise Ball. ...
  2. Gender reveal with confetti cannons. ...
  3. Gender reveal baseball. ...
  4. Harry Potter gender reveal. ...
  5. Gender reveal using silly string. ...
  6. Breakable chocolate gender reveal. ...
  7. Confetti balloon gender reveal. ...
  8. Bath bomb gender reveal.
Sep 20, 2023

What is a unique gender reveal? ›

For a creative gender reveal idea, use sparklers to draw “boy” or “girl” in the night sky (practice all safety precautions). This is especially fun (and safer than a smoke bomb with colored powder) if you're revealing your baby's sex around the Fourth of July, Labor Day, or New Year's Eve. Talk about a big reveal!

What do you caption a gender reveal for a baby boy? ›

We have a collection of the cutest captions that will melt your heart.
  • Tiny toes and button nose - it's a boy!
  • He may be small, but he's already stolen our hearts. ...
  • Little prince on the way!
  • Snips and snails, and a baby boy's tale.
  • Bundle of joy, our baby boy.
  • Little hands and a big heart - it's a boy!

How can I announce my baby boy on social media? ›

Baby Boy Birth Announcement Wording
  1. How wonderful life is now he's in the world. Announcing the arrival of our son…
  2. Oh boy, he's finally here! Welcoming little [baby's name] to the world…
  3. He's officially a big brother! Say hello to [older son]'s new best friend…
Nov 28, 2022

What to say when someone announces baby gender? ›

What happy news and whether your child is a boy or a girl, I know your baby will be beautiful.” “Whether boy or girl, they will be as cute as a button and I am thrilled for you both.” “We were both so happy to hear your news and wish you well on your gender reveal day.”


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.