3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (2024)

by Kayla Howard | Dec 13, 2012 | Food, Home, Venison Recipes | 50 comments

3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (1)

  1. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (2)

    Russleon January 16, 2014 at 8:33 pm

    one thing i like with my Game turkey sasusage are two things the turkey has to be a big old tom and the pork fat has to come from a wild hog /grass fed hog


  2. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (3)

    Kaleighon March 17, 2014 at 3:07 pm

    Hi! I just started my blog, and linked this page into my first post! I just wanted to inform you and ask your permission! Great blog!:)



    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (4)

      Kayla Howardon March 17, 2014 at 6:57 pm

      Kaleigh! I am honored!Â


  3. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (5)

    annon April 15, 2014 at 8:50 pm

    do you have a recioe for smoked sausage in 50 cent size casings?


  4. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (6)

    Timothy Leybourneon July 30, 2014 at 5:59 pm

    Made all three yesterday with a Red deer I shot and pork fat. All three are delicious! Thanking you for sharing your recipe. 🙂


    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (7)

      Kayla Howardon August 1, 2014 at 4:36 pm

      Timothy, my pleasure! This past year I ground mine with bacon instead of fat—OH BOY! That was amazing! ENJOY!!!


      • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (8)

        Blakelyon October 3, 2022 at 10:10 am

        Thats what we do. We ground of hog jowl for our fat and it is amazing!


  5. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (9)

    su mccaulon February 3, 2015 at 2:35 pm

    I have ground deer that is frozen. Can I unthaw, make into sausages, then freeze it again?


    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (10)

      Kayla Howardon February 3, 2015 at 3:00 pm

      Absolutely! I often do this if I don’t have time!


  6. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (11)

    Pierre Beaudryon October 2, 2016 at 5:31 am

    Hi Kayla,
    I will soon be making moose sausage for my hunting group and there is a split between the spicy and mild folks so I will make two batches based on your Italian Spicy sausage recipe. I will simply add paprika and white wine to the spicy Italian recipe and strip away some spices for the mild folks. Here is where I would like your opinion, I was thinking of adding regular ground pork shoulder to the coarse ground moose, about 1:3 in favor of moose. Do you think this might just kill the game, should I just go with some ground pork back fat?




  7. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (15)

    Pierre Beaudryon December 29, 2016 at 6:38 am

    Hi Kayla, The sausage making event recently took place and we made better than 30Lbs of venison sausage. I used to occasion to trial a new press and it worked very well. The sausage was a split between mild and spicy Italian, I had the presence of mind to ask the butcher who prepared our moose to ”give” me 30-40 foam trays so the the vacuum packing did not crush the sausage too much. It was a success, everyone enjoyed the process and product. Next year…liverwurst and endouille! I tried to attach some pictures but I don’t think your site accommodates that……….Take care, thanks for the feedback and Happy New Year to you/family and your followers.


  8. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (16)

    Ricardo Fedeleon January 13, 2017 at 12:59 pm

    have 6 lbs of venison and want to make the spicey Italian you offer. How do I work the adjust the amounts ofseasoning?


    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (17)

      Kayla Howardon January 13, 2017 at 1:05 pm

      Ricardo, You can just cut everything in heaping halves. 😉 So if it calls for 4 Tablespoons for the full recipe, you can do 2 heaping. Does that make sense?


  9. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (18)

    Ross. Evanson May 17, 2018 at 7:16 pm

    How does fresh herbs go in these & how would it adjust the measurements amount by. .

    Thank you


    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (19)

      Kayla Howardon May 26, 2018 at 10:02 am

      Hi Ross, I’ve never used fresh herbs in these recipes, so I’m not sure of the conversion. You might Google a conversion chart to get some ideas!


  10. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (20)

    Scott Coltonon May 30, 2018 at 7:47 am

    Hi Kayla, if Im out of wild game and I want to make a lean breakfast sausage. (Something a little healthier) What would you suggest to replace the Venison? And would the cut make a difference? Like a pork loin instead of a shoulder? I like the idea of adding bacon for fat. We often make bacon venison burger. about a 5 to 1 mix.


    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (21)

      Kayla Howardon June 1, 2018 at 10:14 am

      Hi Scott! I would use ground turkey in place of the venison. 🙂


  11. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (22)

    Wendyon November 6, 2018 at 5:45 am

    To put through sausage stuffer, is it best to do after mixing and freeze the “links”, or still freeze in logs, thaw, and then put through stuffer?



    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (23)

      Kayla Howardon November 6, 2018 at 11:11 am

      Hi Wendy! I put mine through the stuffer right after adding the spices and just gently laid them on a cookie sheet as they came out. I then wrapped them, and froze them in waxed paper. They hold together really well!


  12. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (24)

    Wendy Daileyon November 6, 2018 at 5:55 pm

    That makes sense, thanks. I just made your venison pepperoni sausage. How do you prefer to cook and serve this variety?


    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (25)

      Kayla Howardon November 13, 2018 at 10:04 pm

      We mostly Barbecue them! But it’s also good browned and used in spaghetti or other Italian dishes. =)


      • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (27)

        Kayla Howardon November 23, 2020 at 7:11 am

        Hi Diann! That is in the book that you can download on this page by putting your email in the box above.


  13. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (28)

    Wendy Daileyon November 14, 2018 at 4:13 am

    Thanks so much!


  14. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (29)

    DARCY TRACYon December 23, 2018 at 2:36 am

    Good Morning Kayla,
    Found your recipes online while looking for some Venison sausage recipes. The Morning Maple recipe sounded great, so I went ahead and made 27#s of it using bacon for the fat and bacon flavored sea salt I had laying around from my last deer. I wanted to let you know that it came out excellent and I Thank You!!!


    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (30)

      Kayla Howardon December 31, 2018 at 5:17 pm

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it and it turn out well! Thank you for letting me know!!!


  15. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (31)

    Wendy Daileyon August 30, 2019 at 8:35 am

    How long would you have / cook a big log of pepperoni sausage?


  16. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (32)

    Gary Gruveron November 5, 2019 at 6:10 am

    Kayla, how, and how long do you cook your sausage rolls. Bake, fry, etc. Or due you fix it like link Italian sausage in supermarket.


    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (33)

      Kayla Howardon November 5, 2019 at 2:16 pm

      Gary, I’m going to guess 30-ish minutes on the BBQ… I just cooked them until they appear done!


  17. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (34)

    Sherry Sartainon January 19, 2020 at 7:41 am

    I’m trying to get the free venison sausage ebook but the link isn’t working.


    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (35)

      Kayla Howardon January 20, 2020 at 1:27 pm

      Hi there Sherry! I’m sorry about that– can you email us so we can shoot it over to your directly? kayla@kaylahoward.com


      • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (36)

        John Deckeron January 28, 2020 at 6:36 pm

        I would like to get your e-book recipes.


  18. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (37)

    Elizabethon June 6, 2020 at 10:39 am

    In the maple recipe – do you prefer to use dried spices or ground?


    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (38)

      Kayla Howardon June 19, 2020 at 1:27 pm

      Hi there Elizabeth! I use mostly dried spices. =) But you could experiment a little with it for you.


  19. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (39)

    Richard Milleron July 10, 2020 at 4:55 pm

    how can iget a cook book from you


  20. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (40)

    Jade Lehmannon November 7, 2020 at 10:37 am

    Hi there, can I just make this and put it into sausage casings right away?


    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (41)

      Kayla Howardon November 7, 2020 at 10:51 am

      YES you can!


  21. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (42)

    Judyon November 18, 2020 at 8:23 am

    How do I add fat into the sausage? I have huge hunks of mangalitsa pork fat in my freezer, do I just grind some up into the venison?


    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (43)

      Kayla Howardon November 18, 2020 at 9:30 am

      Judy, great question! I personally chunk the fat up into 1-2 inch cubes and feed it in with the first grind of the meat. It mixes in better after the second grind!


      • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (44)

        Judyon November 18, 2020 at 10:04 am

        Awesome! Thank you!
        So happy to find a use for my high quality pork fat


  22. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (45)

    Janine Heateron September 11, 2022 at 3:54 pm

    Hello Kayla,
    Is your Venison Sausage book available hardcopy? If not, may I have the free ebook?


    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (46)

      Kayla Howardon September 12, 2022 at 7:52 am

      Hi Janine! My book is not in hard copy, but you can 100% get the printable version in the box above! Just enter your name and email and I will come right to your inbox. 🙂


  23. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (47)

    shane tayloron October 3, 2023 at 3:42 pm

    hi KAYLA i am looking for a recipe for making smokies but i want to add blueberries and maple syrup but cant find anything but breakfast sausage and no one says if i should use the blueberries as a liquid or whole and how much of either to use ( blueberries or syrup) im not looking to make 30 pounds just 3 pounds to start if you could help would greatly appreciated thanks shane


    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (48)

      Kayla Howardon October 5, 2023 at 8:58 am

      That sounds like a delicious idea! I would probably start with the maple recipe I have and add blueberry preserves or dried blueberries. You might be able to add fresh ones, but it might add too much water. You could experiment a bit in small batches and see what you think!


      • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (49)

        shane tayloron October 7, 2023 at 10:36 am

        thankyou for the reply i will try that and see what happens


  24. 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (50)

    Ashelyon December 27, 2023 at 8:01 am

    I can’t find the recipe for the jalapeño cheddar sausage. The image isn’t a link…


    • 3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (51)

      Kayla Howardon December 28, 2023 at 8:10 am

      Hello! The full book comes through the email sign-up box. 🙂



  1. Anti-Inflammation Venison Stew - Custom Graphics|Graphic Design|Homesteading|Back Woods|Kayla Howard|Real Food|Essential Oil|Lavender Oil|PicMonkey|Pickmonkey app - […] meat at it’s finest, then they pump it full of horrible chemicals. ÂWhy? ÂYou can make sausages, jerky and…

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3 Venison Sausage Recipes - Kayla Howard family recipes (2024)


What is the best ratio for deer sausage? ›

Using a ratio of 75% game meat to 25% pork trimmings will give the game meat some pork flavor and bind it when cooking, without removing the venison taste.

How healthy is venison sausage? ›

Although venison provides slightly more cholesterol than some other types of meat, the difference is negligible. Furthermore, venison contains fewer calories and less saturated fat than other varieties of red meat, including beef, pork, and lamb. Therefore, it can fit into a heart-healthy diet if enjoyed in moderation.

Do you need to add pork to deer sausage? ›

So, for every pound of venison you'll use a pound of pork. This is completely subjective, though. You can use more pork to venison or more venison to pork. The pork adds fat to the sausage which is helpful when the sausage is cooked because the venison is incredibly lean and can make very dry sausage.

How long to cook deer sausage in water? ›

Poaching/Steaming. If you prefer to cook the rings indoors, brown both sides in a medium-hot skillet, add about 1/8 inch water to the pan, and place a lid on the pan, allowing the sausages to "steam." Smoked Sausage - Steam about 5 - 8 minutes. Raw Sausage - Steam about 10 - 12 minutes.


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